Plumbing Projects in the San Fernando Valley

Does the HOA Cover Plumbing & Water Damage?

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Whether you run an HOA or you live in one, it’s likely only a matter of time before you have to deal with a shared plumbing issue in the area. When this happens, it’s natural to wonder, “Is the HOA responsible for water damage?”

HOA responsibility for water damage can be a complicated issue, depending on what your governing documents say. We have spent years working on these sorts of problems for associations just like yours, and this is what we’ve learned.

Does the HOA Cover Plumbing Damages?

Many times, the responsibility for plumbing and other water damage will be laid out clearly in the governing documents. This makes it easy to figure out who is financially responsible, once you know what caused the plumbing issue.

Often, the HOA is responsible for plumbing outside of the individual unit, while the homeowner is responsible for the plumbing that pertains specifically to their unit. However, this can become more complex if homeowner irresponsibility leads to plumbing problems that affect more than just their unit.

Flushing trash that does not belong in the system, for instance, can contribute to problems in large pipes or sewer lines and may cause flooding or other damage in multiple units.

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Is the HOA Responsible for Other Water Damage?

Similarly, the person responsible for water damage may be the homeowner, but it may also be someone else. Even though water damage occurs inside a specific unit, if the cause of that damage was negligence or irresponsibility on the part of the HOA or or another homeowner, they may need to pay the costs of water damage mitigation.

The best way to answer, “Is the HOA responsible for water damage?” is to determine the cause of that damage. As your HOA plumber, we can do this! We’ll take a look inside the plumbing system, figure out the source of the issues experienced, and notify the administration. Then, they can work with their lawyers to examine the governing documents and determine who needs to pay to fix the problem.

Some HOAs split these costs among affected homeowners. Since it can be impossible to determine who flushed what down the drains, some documents stipulate that all affected homeowners split the costs of repair, or take on their own costs inside their homes.

No matter what your governing documents say, our team at Power Plumbing is here for you when you need HOA plumbing help. Call us today and we will be there soon!

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